Jeet Kune Do Training – Online Streaming and DVD

At the World Jeet Kune Do Federation you have the opportunity to train in the methods of original Jeet Kune Do via one of their certified instructors, or through their breakthrough video streaming and DVD training and ranking distance learning program. 

For the first time you don’t have to have a teacher in your area to learn the real art. 

The Original Jeet Kune Do video program with many thousands of success stories allows students with no training to learn the art step by step at their own pace via streaming video that is designed to be a close as possible as a private one on one lesson with Carter Hargrave the World Jeet Kune Do Federation President. You then video or webcam yourself doing the moves like you have learned and mail, email, or send in an internet link, and your progress is graded and evaluated by Hargrave. 

You may also send emails direct to him when you become a member so you can ask direct questions on specific techniques or problems you have encountered. We are here to help and have done so for over thirty years.